Hultsfred Festival: 8-9-10-11/7
Every summer there is a rockfestival during 4 days in Hultsfred, a small town in "Småland". This Hultsfred-festival is a big event in my plans for the summer, because I love music and festivals, especially rock/metal/punk.
Bands like Takida [S], The Killers [US], Kings of Leon [US], White Lies [UK] and Sonic Syndicate [S] will play and artists as Lars Winnerbäck [S], Thåström [S] and Timbuktu[S]. Almost 100 bands will perform.
You may wonder how 30,000 people can stay for 4days in a little hole like Hultsfred? The lot of them will camp on the site where it all happends, some can live in trailers or at a MC camping. The rest is likely to rent an apartment in the village, but as for myself, Iand some mates are going to stay at an nearby village, "Vimmerby" where I have a friend that has invited me.
The really good part is that his father is owner/part-owner (don´t really know) of "Åbro", a brewery! and the festival main sponsor. So I and my friend will get free tickets!
"Bye, bye, arevua, aufvidersen"
/Peter G Christensen
Tyda Vip = WTF!?
Hello everyone!
I only want to say that while writing my blogg I have used "" a lot , but as of now "tyda" has said that we must pay them to use their site. I got very upset when reading the horrible news and so I wrote in their community saying what I felt. The following message is what I wrote them, translated from Swedish:
Tommy, I ‘ve got the impression that you are some kind of admin. I only wanted to speak my mind about “tyda” Vip.
To be honest with you I haven´t read all the text that you have written above, but as a dyslexic I haven´t really the energy to read that much. And now about the Vip. I dislike and depise the people that suck the life from this web site. I don´t manage on only 30 searches a week and I think that it should be a free service on the webb.
The reason that I make my statement here is because I didn´t find a support site and that that this headline felt inviting.
Best regards from
/Peter G-C"Im sorry if i spell like a...i don´t, somefine that can´t spell, but enyway I can´t say that I care how my spelling when im on the wedd.
Good bye from the man with lost illusions
Peter Christensen
Sir Terence David John Pratchett's Discworld
During these couple of days I´ve read one of the Discworld novels, to be more precise no.4 Mort. Terry Pratchett´s novels is very easy to like, his satire is hilarious, thoughtful, always to the limit and sometimes beyond it. The only author I can compare him to is Douglas Adams, who has written The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, that I also liked. You got to wonder more that once if they are insane, and I have still not figured it out.
An example of how wacky logic can get on the disc, is form the fourth book:
"Light on the Discworld isn´t like light elsewhere. It´s grown up a bit, it´s been around, it doesn´t feel the need to rush everywhere. It knows that however fast it goes darkness always gets there first, so it takes it easy."
I find that kind of logic amusing.
"This conversation can serve no purpose anymore, goodbye." Hal, 2001 a space odyssey.
Peter Gramstrup
Welcome to my "engelska skolblogg"! This is a task given by my english teacher in good faith that we would learn something out of it, I know it´s very naive of him but you can´t really blame him, he is relatively new as a teacher(I think).
Well, enough said about him, in this blogg I will write about school projects, family and friends, life in general, my ups and downs, my view of policy, economy and life (to mention a few subjects).
I´m terribly sorry if someone is actually reading this blogg and is considering suicide on the basis of what I have told you.
Im looking forward to tell u my view of the society and to see your respone (even your´s Lasse) and if you see me in person, please leave me be.
Peace & Love from Peter Gramstrup - Christensen*