Hultsfred Festival: 8-9-10-11/7

Every summer there is a rockfestival during 4 days in Hultsfred, a small town in "Småland". This Hultsfred-festival is a big event in my plans for the summer, because I love music and festivals, especially rock/metal/punk.
Bands like Takida [S], The Killers [US], Kings of Leon [US], White Lies [UK] and Sonic Syndicate [S] will play and artists as Lars Winnerbäck [S], Thåström [S] and Timbuktu[S]. Almost 100 bands will perform.

You may wonder how 30,000 people can stay for 4days in a little hole like Hultsfred? The lot of them will camp on the site where it all happends, some can live in trailers or at a MC camping. The rest is likely to rent an apartment in the village, but as for myself, Iand some mates are going to stay at an nearby village, "Vimmerby" where I have a friend that has invited me. 
The really good part is that his father is owner/part-owner (don´t really know) of "Åbro", a brewery! and the festival main sponsor.  So I and my friend will get free tickets!

"Bye, bye, arevua, aufvidersen" 
/Peter G Christensen

Postat av: Lasse Nyqvist


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the lot of them - Most of them

happends - happens

I and my friend - Me and...

Bra jobbat!



2009-04-17 @ 14:27:44

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