Tyda Vip = WTF!?

Hello everyone!
I only want to say that while writing my blogg I have used "tyda.se" a lot , but as of now "tyda" has said that we must pay them to use their site. I got very upset when reading the horrible news and so I wrote in their community saying what I felt. The following message is what I wrote them, translated from Swedish:


Tommy, I ‘ve got the impression that you are some kind of admin. I only wanted to speak my mind about “tyda” Vip.

To be honest with you I haven´t read all the text that you have written above, but as a dyslexic I haven´t really the energy to read that much. And now about the Vip. I dislike and depise the people that suck the life from this web site. I don´t manage on only 30 searches a week and I think that it should be a free service on the webb.

The reason that I make my statement here is because I didn´t find a support site and that that this headline felt inviting.


Best regards from

/Peter G-C"

Im sorry if i spell like a...i don´t, somefine that can´t spell, but enyway I can´t say that I care how my spelling when im on the wedd.

Good bye from the man with lost illusions
Peter Christensen

Postat av: Lasse Nyqvist(engelskläraren)


Välskrivet och engagerande. Bra att du uppdaterar bloggen. Utmana dig själv genom att välja ett bestämt tema att uttrycka åsikter kring: exempelvis någonting du läst i tidningen om....



2009-03-10 @ 10:10:55

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